Confidence is the New Killer App: The Key to Winning in the Age of AI

There are many ways to build collective confidence. Here are two effective approaches leaders can take to cultivate team confidence, build a culture of self-reliance, and empower your team to handle challenges with resilience.
The Power of Face-to-Face Meetings

To Travel is expensive. Lots can be done on zoom. How do you justify bringing together geographically dispersed teams?
At Silicon Valley Change, we recently did just that. Eleven of us got together in person to share, talk and create something together. We found that spending a day together fundamentally deepened our relationships and changed the way we will work together in fundamental ways.
How to Talk with Your Team About the Elephant in the Room
If your team feels “stuck,” the problem might involve issues that are difficult to discuss — conflict between two team members, for example, or an underperforming employee. To address these issues head-on, leaders must learn the art of framing a conversation so people can organize their thoughts, feelings, and experiences to come to a solution. This article offers a five-step process around framing, and two examples of how it can help bring “undiscussables” into the light.
Light People Up with Better Questions
Better, more interesting questions light people up. They spark thoughtful, deeper responses. More engaging conversations. More authentic connection.
Working Remotely? How To Stay Connected
Remote work is here to stay. While there are advantages for both the organization and employee to working from home, the remote environment also creates challenges. With every step forward, we also walk away from something that has sustained us. How do we keep employees engaged and connected, when there are not opportunities to see one another on a regular basis?
Forget Feedback…Do This Instead!
Knowing you are about to hear feedback can create a sense of avoidance and/or fear. Even if you approach it with a growth mindset, it can still be tough to hear and process feedback. Simply replacing the term ‘feedback’ with ‘conversation’ may reduce the unintended stress response of getting ‘feedback’ from your boss.