You Shouldn’t Pursue Happiness. Instead Engineer It With These Five Steps

When was the last time something happened to you that made you happy or unhappy? How long did the feeling last? How do we find lasting happiness? Conversations around happiness are both timeless and tricky. Let’s explore what’s confused so many people about pursuing happiness and shed light on the best approach, based on scientific research.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part Three — Build Micro-Habits

Part Three shows the importance of repeating your most desirable habit-forming behaviors by building micro-habits that can bust procrastination and increase your bias for action.
Living with A Twinkle In Your Eye: Creating A life of Meaning and Intention
If you are ready to live with a twinkle in your eye (or make the twinkle shine brighter), it might be time to clean out your closets and your life! Warning: Be prepared for people to stop you to ask what’s behind your twinkle!
Want to improve your happiness? Find flow
I imagine the phrase, “when you do what you love you never work a day in your life” originated from someone who experienced flow at work. But finding flow doesn’t have to be about starting a new venture, career, or business.
Lessons from Summer Camp: 5 At-home DIY’s To Foster The Good Life
As my studies and work continue to take me deeper into the science of wellbeing, I realize the ingredients that make up the Lair are the same ingredients that make a life worth living. For an at-home mood boost, pick a Lair experience from the chart and mimic it with the DIY suggestions.
Replenishing The Wellbeing Bank: 25 Tips For Managing Stress
Work-life boundaries continue to blur with remote work, the impact of work-force reductions (or resignations) take a toll on those who remain, and lingering effects of Covid and its aftermath are depleting us. These are just a few possible contributors to a workforce that feels less than flourishing. Of course we are drained and tapped out! Below you will find the SVC top 25 list of stress reducers and positive energy boosters.