Learning to Listen Deeply
Today’s fast-paced work environments require speed and agility in every conversation—from face-to-face conversations, to emails and texts, and to the virtual meetings we attend. Yet, most companies are sending their employees to meet this twenty-first century challenge armed with dated communication skills and standards. Listening is more than hearing the words correctly. It is also paying attention to what is happening physically and emotionally during the conversation. I call this kind of listening Deep Listening.
A Courageous Foe of Burnout
Around the world, people are worrying about burnout, a state of chronic stress characterized by physical exhaustion and emotional disengagement. Burnout is expensive. It can rob people of health and well-being while it robs companies of productivity.
How Leaders Can Create Fearless Teams
In psychologically safe teams, members can bring their full selves to work because they are encouraged to speak up with any concerns, questions, ideas and mistakes. And when they do this, they are given the benefit of the doubt, which leaves them feeling accepted and respected. In my experience as a leadership coach, I’ve seen three leadership mindsets help pave the way for valuing ideas, inviting questions and honoring vulnerability at work: openness, curiosity and courage.
A Tool for Building Your Professional Network
For some people networking comes easily. They gravitate towards meeting new people at conferences and work events. They collect cards and then actually do something with them, such as send them LinkedIn connection invitations. They are curious, so they ask questions. Afterwards, they remember what matters to the people they meet. But for the rest of us, building a strong network is a daunting prospect.