The Power Of Accountability

Have you had something you really wanted to do, and once you told someone about it, you kinda dreaded that you had to follow through? Getting stuff done is not a “good enough” issue. It’s an accountability challenge.

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How to Have a Big Rocks Conversation at Work Kathryn Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

How to Have a Big Rocks Conversation at Work

You’ve probably heard of the Steven Covey meme of putting big rocks in the bucket first, then the pebbles, then the sand. More goes in the bucket that way. But that doesn’t mean that everything fits. We can protect ourselves by having clear ideas of how much time we’re willing to spend at work and then setting boundaries to protect the time that rightfully belongs to us.

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Mind the Gap! Giselle Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Mind the Gap!

The empathy gap is a researched bias that when we aren’t currently experiencing a situation (even if we just experienced it 10 minutes ago!), we dramatically underestimate how much it would affect us.  Use these tips to mind the gap and practice more helpful empathy.

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dreams undusted goals self improvement professional coahcing silicon valley change

Dreams Undusted

At what point do you wake up and accept that your life has become a compromise? Over the course of days and years and decades all the choices you have made or half-made in a fog assemble themselves in a generally orderly fashion and we call them our “life”.

Internal Coaching from Top Companies is Expanding

We’re living in a worker’s economy. In 2022, we entered into a labor dynamic “we haven’t seen in decades…” according to LinkedIn chief economist Karin Kimbrough. In this new world, she says, “job seekers have an easier time securing better opportunities and they have less competition.”

How Women Can Get Comfortable “Playing Politics” at Work

How Women Can Get Comfortable “Playing Politics” at Work

By now, it’s a tired refrain: Women, particularly women of color, are significantly outnumbered at the senior leadership level in organizations. Covid-19 made this fact worse: In 2021, the number of years it would take before women reached parity with men increased by a third.

Resilience & Flourishing: Flourishing through hardship

Resilience & Flourishing through hardship

Give yourself permission to be human. It is OK to show our vulnerability. We cannot be strong, upbeat, happy and confident all the time. As humans, we experience joy and excitement during good times, and we feel sad or anxious when bad things happen.

How To Kick-Start Your Meetings With More Joy leadership coaching silicon valley executive change

How To Kick-Start Your Meetings With More Joy

Do you want to bring more joy into your company? One place to start is the way you begin your meetings. Many people come to meetings in the mood of their last call, personal interaction, email they read, or meeting they attended.  Their moods and attention are basically tied up in other things.


Silicon Valley Change Founder Senia Maymin interviews Angela Duckworth

Silicon Valley Change Executive Coaching Leaders Professional Coaching

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Readiness for Racial Equity

With Vanessa

Imposter Syndrome

With Senia, Ilene, Alex, & Kelly

Present Like a Rockstar

With Shannon

Readiness for Racial Equity

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What I believe to be true...

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Imposter Syndrome

With Senia, Ilene, Alex, & Kelly

Design Your Life Approach

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