Resilience and Grit: The Foundations of Thriving Through Challenges
We hear about resilience and grit often—but do we really understand how to apply these concepts in meaningful ways?
Confidence is the New Killer App: The Key to Winning in the Age of AI
There are many ways to build collective confidence. Here are two effective approaches leaders can take to cultivate team confidence, build a culture of self-reliance, and empower your team to handle challenges with resilience.
The Power Of Accountability
Have you had something you really wanted to do, and once you told someone about it, you kinda dreaded that you had to follow through? Getting stuff done is not a “good enough” issue. It’s an accountability challenge.
Internal Coaching from Top Companies is Expanding
We’re living in a worker’s economy. In 2022, we entered into a labor dynamic “we haven’t seen in decades…” according to LinkedIn chief economist Karin Kimbrough. In this new world, she says, “job seekers have an easier time securing better opportunities and they have less competition.”
The Power of Face-to-Face Meetings
To Travel is expensive. Lots can be done on zoom. How do you justify bringing together geographically dispersed teams?
At Silicon Valley Change, we recently did just that. Eleven of us got together in person to share, talk and create something together. We found that spending a day together fundamentally deepened our relationships and changed the way we will work together in fundamental ways.
Let Go In Order To Grow
Letting go is essential because it creates space for growth and renewal. Letting go is about countering the momentum of what is with the possibility of what could be and moving toward that possibility — even if you don’t know how it will turn out. Letting go is an act of courage. It’s a leap of faith.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part Two — Use Mindfulness Interval Training
Part Two teaches you how to notice, reframe, and exercise new thoughts. Get started by using mindfulness interval training to capture and maintain your focus while you manage barriers to action.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part One — Push Past Probably
Part One in this blog series looks at the beliefs and emotions that may be underlying your procrastination. Instead of “probably” getting around to things, manage the emotional cues that deceive you into procrastinating.
How to Have a Big Rocks Conversation at Work
You’ve probably heard of the Steven Covey meme of putting big rocks in the bucket first, then the pebbles, then the sand. More goes in the bucket that way. But that doesn’t mean that everything fits. We can protect ourselves by having clear ideas of how much time we’re willing to spend at work and then setting boundaries to protect the time that rightfully belongs to us.
Mind the Gap!
The empathy gap is a researched bias that when we aren’t currently experiencing a situation (even if we just experienced it 10 minutes ago!), we dramatically underestimate how much it would affect us. Use these tips to mind the gap and practice more helpful empathy.
Designing Rituals for Well-Being
Design rituals for well-being to connect more deeply to what is most meaningful to you. Rituals can be performed by yourself or with a group.
Is your organization ready to be open, not confidential, with regard to feedback?
Confidentiality is a symptom of a broken system. However, today’s employees want to work in an environment where they receive feedback. Where they have the opportunity to grow and improve. Where they clearly understand what they can do better.
Working Remotely? How To Stay Connected
Remote work is here to stay. While there are advantages for both the organization and employee to working from home, the remote environment also creates challenges. With every step forward, we also walk away from something that has sustained us. How do we keep employees engaged and connected, when there are not opportunities to see one another on a regular basis?
Want to improve your happiness? Find flow
I imagine the phrase, “when you do what you love you never work a day in your life” originated from someone who experienced flow at work. But finding flow doesn’t have to be about starting a new venture, career, or business.
Want To Be Happier? Start Valuing Your Time
In a typical day, we all face trade-offs between time and money. These trade-offs play out in major life decisions like choosing a higher-paying job that demands more hours versus a job paying less money that allows for more autonomy. So if having more time contributes to happiness, connection, self-awareness and experimentation, how do we all create more of it?
Forget Feedback…Do This Instead!
Knowing you are about to hear feedback can create a sense of avoidance and/or fear. Even if you approach it with a growth mindset, it can still be tough to hear and process feedback. Simply replacing the term ‘feedback’ with ‘conversation’ may reduce the unintended stress response of getting ‘feedback’ from your boss.
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