The Power Of Accountability

Have you had something you really wanted to do, and once you told someone about it, you kinda dreaded that you had to follow through? Getting stuff done is not a “good enough” issue. It’s an accountability challenge.

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Let Go In Order to Grow Lisa Z Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Let Go In Order To Grow

Letting go is essential because it creates space for growth and renewal. Letting go is about countering the momentum of what is with the possibility of what could be and moving toward that possibility — even if you don’t know how it will turn out. Letting go is an act of courage. It’s a leap of faith.

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Mind the Gap! Giselle Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Mind the Gap!

The empathy gap is a researched bias that when we aren’t currently experiencing a situation (even if we just experienced it 10 minutes ago!), we dramatically underestimate how much it would affect us.  Use these tips to mind the gap and practice more helpful empathy.

Designing Rituals for Well-Being Jan Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Designing Rituals for Well-Being

Design rituals for well-being to connect more deeply to what is most meaningful to you. Rituals can be performed by yourself or with a group.

Want to improve your happiness? Find flow Leah Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Want to improve your happiness? Find flow

I imagine the phrase, “when you do what you love you never work a day in your life” originated from someone who experienced flow at work. But finding flow doesn’t have to be about starting a new venture, career, or business.

Want To Be Happier? Start Valuing Your Time Lisa Z Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Want To Be Happier? Start Valuing Your Time

In a typical day, we all face trade-offs between time and money. These trade-offs play out in major life decisions like choosing a higher-paying job that demands more hours versus a job paying less money that allows for more autonomy. So if having more time contributes to happiness, connection, self-awareness and experimentation, how do we all create more of it?

Learning to Listen Deeply Brian Coaching at Silicon Valley Change Executive Coach

Learning to Listen Deeply

Today’s fast-paced work environments require speed and agility in every conversation—from face-to-face conversations, to emails and texts, and to the virtual meetings we attend. Yet, most companies are sending their employees to meet this twenty-first century challenge armed with dated communication skills and standards. Listening is more than hearing the words correctly. It is also paying attention to what is happening physically and emotionally during the conversation. I call this kind of listening Deep Listening.


Silicon Valley Change Founder Senia Maymin interviews Angela Duckworth

Silicon Valley Change Executive Coaching Leaders Professional Coaching

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Readiness for Racial Equity

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Imposter Syndrome

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Present Like a Rockstar

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Readiness for Racial Equity

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What I believe to be true...

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Imposter Syndrome

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Design Your Life Approach

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