Resilience and Grit: The Foundations of Thriving Through Challenges
We hear about resilience and grit often—but do we really understand how to apply these concepts in meaningful ways?
Confidence is the New Killer App: The Key to Winning in the Age of AI
There are many ways to build collective confidence. Here are two effective approaches leaders can take to cultivate team confidence, build a culture of self-reliance, and empower your team to handle challenges with resilience.
The Power Of Accountability
Have you had something you really wanted to do, and once you told someone about it, you kinda dreaded that you had to follow through? Getting stuff done is not a “good enough” issue. It’s an accountability challenge.
Let Go In Order To Grow
Letting go is essential because it creates space for growth and renewal. Letting go is about countering the momentum of what is with the possibility of what could be and moving toward that possibility — even if you don’t know how it will turn out. Letting go is an act of courage. It’s a leap of faith.
Light People Up with Better Questions
Better, more interesting questions light people up. They spark thoughtful, deeper responses. More engaging conversations. More authentic connection.
Is your organization ready to be open, not confidential, with regard to feedback?
Confidentiality is a symptom of a broken system. However, today’s employees want to work in an environment where they receive feedback. Where they have the opportunity to grow and improve. Where they clearly understand what they can do better.
You Shouldn’t Pursue Happiness. Instead Engineer It With These Five Steps
When was the last time something happened to you that made you happy or unhappy? How long did the feeling last? How do we find lasting happiness? Conversations around happiness are both timeless and tricky. Let’s explore what’s confused so many people about pursuing happiness and shed light on the best approach, based on scientific research.
Dear Pregnant Mama, You Are Seen: Overcoming Challenges of Pregnancy in the Workplace
Are you or one of your coworkers pregnant or living with a newborn? Check out these tips to help lessen the stress and build your team’s trust and confidence.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part Three — Build Micro-Habits
Part Three shows the importance of repeating your most desirable habit-forming behaviors by building micro-habits that can bust procrastination and increase your bias for action.
The Growth Mindset Train: When To Stay On and When To Get Off
Knowing when to stay on the growth mindset train and when to get off (or not hop on in the first place) will allow you more time to invest energy into the areas that feel worth growing. Giving yourself permission to accept the invitation to hold a growth mindset or reject the invitation is quite empowering.
The Power of Face-to-Face Meetings
To Travel is expensive. Lots can be done on zoom. How do you justify bringing together geographically dispersed teams?
At Silicon Valley Change, we recently did just that. Eleven of us got together in person to share, talk and create something together. We found that spending a day together fundamentally deepened our relationships and changed the way we will work together in fundamental ways.
Let Go In Order To Grow
Letting go is essential because it creates space for growth and renewal. Letting go is about countering the momentum of what is with the possibility of what could be and moving toward that possibility — even if you don’t know how it will turn out. Letting go is an act of courage. It’s a leap of faith.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part Two — Use Mindfulness Interval Training
Part Two teaches you how to notice, reframe, and exercise new thoughts. Get started by using mindfulness interval training to capture and maintain your focus while you manage barriers to action.
How to Bust Procrastination: Part One — Push Past Probably
Part One in this blog series looks at the beliefs and emotions that may be underlying your procrastination. Instead of “probably” getting around to things, manage the emotional cues that deceive you into procrastinating.
How to Talk with Your Team About the Elephant in the Room
If your team feels “stuck,” the problem might involve issues that are difficult to discuss — conflict between two team members, for example, or an underperforming employee. To address these issues head-on, leaders must learn the art of framing a conversation so people can organize their thoughts, feelings, and experiences to come to a solution. This article offers a five-step process around framing, and two examples of how it can help bring “undiscussables” into the light.
Living with A Twinkle In Your Eye: Creating A life of Meaning and Intention
If you are ready to live with a twinkle in your eye (or make the twinkle shine brighter), it might be time to clean out your closets and your life! Warning: Be prepared for people to stop you to ask what’s behind your twinkle!
Light People Up with Better Questions
Better, more interesting questions light people up. They spark thoughtful, deeper responses. More engaging conversations. More authentic connection.
3 Not So Obvious Ways to Boost Productivity
There are many ways to boost productivity; the three topics discussed here are powerful and accessible to everyone. Give sleep, meditation, and more movement a try and see what it does for you!
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